Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The end of Operation Iraqi Freedom... What does that mean for us?

Mere hours after our president's address from the Oval Office, we're already getting messages from people asking if Matt is still going overseas.  Yes, he is. We've known about the situation for a while, and even I asked Matt if he would still be going when I first heard about it.

Today has been a really hard day for me.  Michael starts school tomorrow! I can't believe that my baby is going to be in school! I've already changed the batteries in the camara, I've picked out his clothes, packed his backpack, and decided on where in the yard I'm going to take his pictures.  And he's only going to be in class for 2 hours! And on top of my mister starting school, this is the first "thing" that's really happening without Matt. He's not going to get to walk him in to his classroom or show him where to hang up his coat.

Ok... pulling it together!

I feel like I'm going backward with my emotions. I'm starting to lose it and cry more than I did at first.  I was kicking butt right after Matt left.  I was getting stuff done, going and doing and accomplishing, and now I feel like all I do is cry. And he's not even gone yet! I get to see him in 2 weeks. And THEN he's gone!

But when we talk on the phone I'm fine.  On the advice (or was it orders?) of my grandmother, "When you talk on the phone with Matt, you tell him "everything is fine!"

She told me that when Grandad would call her while he was away with the Navy that she did the same thing... This is what the conversation looked like at the family BBQ right before Matt left.

"When Grandad would call I would tell him that everything was great, that I loved him and that I'd see him soon.  Then when we hung up the phone I would bawl like a baby!" she said.
"Really? You cried?" asked Grandad.
"Of course!" said Nanny, "I lived with your mother!!"

That's 55 years of love and devotion!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I love your attitude Stephanie! Thanks for sharing your life with us. Make sure and post some pictures of Michael's first day! :)

