Thursday, September 2, 2010

For Ladies' Eyes Only! *wink*

I have a minor issue with spending money on myself.  I have a hard time justifying getting stuff for myself when the kids or the house or Matt needs something.  Maybe its just in those worn out, holes-in-the-knees mommy genes (ha!), but there's always someone who should get before Mom.

But ladies, I bought myself 2 new bras!!!  The last time I bought a new bra Michael was 6 months old!  One of the main reasons is because the bras were $68 each and I had to get 2.  I'm a 34G (yep!), so one of the only places I've been able to find my size in a decent design is at Norstrom.  I've been to specialty stores where the bras are just as expensive but are UGLY!!!

I can't find anyplace in Pendleton that carries my size.  I've been looking for a few months because the under wire in one of my two bras BROKE! It totally snapped! So I've been down to one bra for awhile, and while I was in Portland last weekend my other bra broke! The under wire on the same side as my other bra broke. So what did I do? I dissected my bras! I took the whole under wire out of the first bra and put it in the droopy side of the second one. Yep, I now have a Frankenstein Bra!

But this morning as I was putting on my bra, I saw the stitching on the inside of the cup and do you know what I thought? "Why shouldn't I get a new bra? Its been 4 years since I bought a new one, we're in a place where we can afford it... why shouldn't I get a new bra?

I got online to Nordstrom's website and found the bra that I bought last time. To my delight they had added a new color (they only had beige and black 4 years ago!), a beautiful Merlot! Not so much to my delight they had added $10 to the original price... But I decided that I deserve a treat.  So I bought 2! They're going to be here in a few days! I'm so excited!!

So, thanks for letting me babble about my new bras ladies! If any gentlemen happened to stumble past my titled warning, I apologize. :-)


  1. I know exactly what you mean Stephanie. I have a very hard time spending money on *me*. I really enjoy spending money on the kids, the house, my husband and it does bring me pleasure. But there are times when I really want to spend money on just me. I don't need any bras though, lol. Glad you found something that you both needed AND wanted just for you! :-)


  2. Ha! Good for you, Stephanie! I used to have a hard time spending on me but realized I was sort of becoming a martyr for the cause---now I've got no problem at all!! Ha!

    Have a great day! :)


  3. I have all kinds of things I WANT to spend money on that are for myself but when it comes down to it I usually can't do it. Or if I do I feel an incredible sense of guilt. I thought I was going to have guilt about buying myself a laptop (well Bob kinda got it for me but it was my idea). So far so good.

    Now the fact that my tooth might cost $1650 not feeling real positive about that one.:(

    So glad you got the girls some new support. They will thank you! lol

    I have been thinking of you lots this week, I have had a rough week and felt like coming down and having a pitty party with you.

  4. good for you! Seems like whenever I have extra money, I buy stuff for Kyle or for the know, a new decorator pillow, a new dish, blanket, wall hanging, very seldom do I get stuff for me!!! But yet when Mark has extra money, it is all about the computer games!!! Funny how we think as women!!! SO happy you got 2 new bras, it does make you feel good!!! Maybe I should do the same!!! Love ya girl!
