Friday, September 3, 2010

Hooter Memoirs

     So this is a picture of the bra that I got! I'm just too excited not to share, and Heaven knows that no ones going to see me wearing it, and I figure this gal already has 'em out and on display, so what the heck.
Its not in the color I got, they didn't have this one available in my size.  In fact, when I got my shipping confirmation it said that only one bra shipped and the other one got cancelled! Well I got right on the phone to Nordstrom and found out what happened; I literally got the LAST bra in this style in my size! There was only one left! So the lady that I was talking to offered to waive the shipping if I wanted to choose another bra instead!  It was actually really fun! I logged on to the website and looked at the other bras while we talked!  We talked about kids and husbands, treating ourselves once in a while (wink!) and then she placed my order for the new bra that I picked out.  Its more along the lines of a "T-shirt Bra".  I didn't know what that meant before; its really simple but pretty, and they had it in a "Sand" color.  I suppose I need something that's more of a nude color anyway!  It should be here a few days after my first one gets here.  I'm so excited!
     Its been fun reading your comments on my last blog.  I love what Nicole says about being happy to get things for her husband and kids, I get a lot of pleasure from getting them things too... it makes me happy.  Carie, you were so on the money (ha!) about how differently moms seem to spend "extra" money than our husbands do. Julie hit it on the nose when she said the word guilt... why do we do that? God made us very strange indeed! No wait, fearfully and wonderfully made... that's what I meant! Sarah, I'm glad you got over laying down for the cause... I wish you were still here so I could meet up with you at Walmart for "therapy"! :-)
I love you my ladies!


  1. Love you too Steph!!! Your posts just make me smile!!!! Hope you have an uplifting day!!!

  2. Okay, so first of all how did you keep a bra that long without it breaking?! My bras certainly dont last that long. But I do know what you mean about expensive bras, I get mine from Nordstrom too!
