Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Jack's Birth Story

Well, Jack is over two months old, I guess I should get his birth story down for posterity. LOL! Here we go!

Setting the scene:

August 19, 2014
Matt had been gone for 10 days. He was in Idaho with the Army doing his annual training. He had been calling when he could for the past few days, asking how I've been feeling. Pregnant. I feel pregnant! But he usually doesn't call when he's away on military business, so I feel special. :) He's been given clearance to leave from the Commander, so when I go into labor he'll be on the road to Walla Walla. Wahoo!

August 20, 2014 ~ 1:30 am
I just lost my mucus plug! Keeping my cool, I remind myself that this means nothing technically, just progress. I'm not having any contractions. I sit awake for the next several hours in case contractions start, no dice. Time to get some sleep.

11 am
Matt called! I told him that I lost my mucus plug, and that it doesn't really mean anything, labor could either be hours, days or weeks away. It just means that there's progress. He told me that his phone wasn't doing too well holding a charge, so he gave me the phone numbers of his gunner and another crew member, just in case. I told Matt that I wasn't feeling "labory" at all, so not to worry.

12 pm
Aaaand... my water broke! I was standing in the kitchen doing dishes, and suddenly I was staring straight ahead thinking "Did I just pee my pants? Or did my water break??" I went to the bathroom and went potty (eyeroll), took a look and saw a ton of vernix. I took a deep breath and realized that I needed to be absolutely certain that my water had broken. If I called Matt and he left training only to be told that it was a false alarm, I was going to have some serious egg on my face. So I called my doctor's office to talk to Becky, Dr. Vandersloot's nurse. I asked her if she thought my local hospital would check me to help me cofirm or deny, and she warned me that if my water had indeed ruptured that they would admit me and not let me leave. I was planning on giving birth in Walla Walla, an hour away vs. our local hospital, a mere 15 minutes away. Hmmm... So I had a choice to make. I opted to go to our local hospital to have them check me. I went in telling them that I would not be staying even if my water had broken. After nearly an hour, they confirmed that yes, my water had broken and I proceeded to box my way out of the maternity wing. I signed myself out against doctors orders and to the chorus of nurse's protests. I told them, "The sooner you let me out of here I will be able to get to MY hospital and have this baby. I appreciate your concern, please bring me a pen!" As soon as I was in my car I called my mom at work to let her know where I was and what was happening. It was about 2:30 at this point, and I had yet to have a single contraction. I told her to finish her day at work. I called Matt next, and got his voicemail. I left a message. I called the rest of my labor squad to let them know that it was SHOWTIME!!

4:30 pm
I still haven't heard from Matt, and I still haven't had any contractions. I had called a few times and sent a text, and nothing. So I decided it was time to call Brock, Matt's gunner. I swear, that phone rang for almost a full minute. I could just imagine his face, looking at the number on his screen thinking, "Who is THAT??" He finally answered, sounding hesitant. The following conversation ensued:
Brock: Hello?
Me: Hi, is this Brock?
Brock: Yeah...??
Me: This is Stephanie Endersby. Umm, is my husband anywhere near you?
Brock: OH S#!T!!!! SGT. ENDERSBY!!!!!!!!!!! (yes, he really yelled!)
(in the background)
Matt: Geez, what?? (thoroughly annoyed)
Brock: It's your wife!!!
(muffled shuffling and expletives)
Matt: Honey? Are you ok??
Me: My water broke.
Matt: What?
Me: ...My water broke.
Matt: Ok. Um, I'll talk to you soon. (hangs up)
Me: *blink, blink*

I took into consideration that Matt's main objective at this point was to get off base and on the road. He had a 5 hour drive ahead of him. I smiled and chuckled to myself, knowing that he would call me as soon as he was on his way.

My mom got to the house about 5:15. As I was handing my mom my suitcase I had a contraction. Not at all painful, but it motivated quite a bit of amniotic fluid southward. I promptly went to change my pants. A friend had come to stay with the kids and we were on our way to Walla Walla by 5:30. Before we even hit Pendleton (15 minutes away) Matt called to tell me that he too was on his way. He asked how I was doing and told me again that he was coming. I told him to drive safe, obey the speed limits and I would see him soon.

6:30 pm
Contractions have picked up, but are not painful, merely uncomfortable. I check myself in at the emergency room, politely decline the proffered wheelchair and make my way to the Family Birthing Center. I change into my designer "Pretty Pushers" labor and delivery gown given to me by my doula. Side note: I was skeptical at first but I *loved* this thing!! It was comfortable, breathable, I didn't have to wear a sports bra and the "girls" remained in place, and I didn't even get hot during labor! AND, I didn't have to wear a hideously ugly and itchy hospital gown. Get one HERE. I let the nurse put in a hep lock, but I didn't want to be attached to any tubes or IV's. She was great about it. Our nurse Gracen was amazing. She was just about to leave for the night, but you'll hear more about her later. ;) After a quick check, I am at 2 cm. The on call doctor informs me that since my water has broken, they won't be checking my cervix too often because they don't want to risk introducing infection. NICE!! As soon as they had a baseline on baby, I got up and got walking. I did NOT want to have to deal with Pitocin this time around, and the clock was ticking. I learned that they like for baby to be born before 24 hours after the water breaks. Ok, let's get this show on the road!

Around 9:30-10:00 pm
On yet another trip around the halls, I looked up to see my Soldier walking toward me! Matt was there! He was absolutely filthy! He wasn't kidding when he said that he didn't even dust himself off before he got in the car! We walked back to my room where he took a shower and changed into the clothes I had brought for him. Contractions were still sporadic at best, and they were talking about giving me some Pitocin to help prod labor along. I got hooked up and Matt and I hit the halls together. Pitocin doesn't take long to turn contractions into nasty little jerks, and before long we were stopping every five minutes to rock and breath through a contraction. In between we were talking and laughing together, and Matt was taking his "coaching" role to the extreme in trying to talk me into doing lunges and high knee exercises. LOL!

August 21, 2014 ~ 1:00 am
Even with the Pitocin, contractions aren't building. We decide to turn off the drip and try to get a few hours of sleep. I slept peacefully until about 4:30 when Lynn (our nurse) woke me to tell me that we needed to think about starting up the Pitocin again. I told her that if she gave me until 5:00 I would make sure she got Starbucks before the end of her shift at 7. Ha! She promptly agreed.

5:00 am
Pitocin is reactivated. I decide to let Matt get some more sleep. He didn't sleep much in the last week and a half, and I have a fantastic support team with me. Lucky for him, Matt could sleep through a hurricane, so active labor didn't disturb him at all. LOL

7:00 am
I decide to wake Matt so he can join the show. I needed to go walk to help contractions along. I was told that Dr. Vandersloot had called to say that he would be in soon to get a feel for where we were at. Contractions are definitely more intense, but still about 3-4 minutes apart. And, Gracen the nurse rejoined the party! Hooray!

7:30 am
Dr. Vandersloot checks me, I am at 3 cm. Seriously. After 13 hours of labor I have dilated 1 BLASTED CENTIMETER!!  I was so frustrated I could have cried. He decided to try to rerupture my water, thinking that a larger tear would help move labor along. Yeah, that sucked. I had a massive contraction just as he was performing the procedure and it left me breathless and shaking. It was the first big upset since the onset of labor. I calmed down at got back out of bed. Labor really got going then, so we turned off the Pitocin. And then labor slowed down. Way down. Contractions went from every two minutes back to 4 minutes. Begrudgingly I told Gracen to kick the Pitocin back on.

Side Note:
In my birthing plan I had decided to go completely natural this time around. I delivered Michael naturally (the epidural wore off during transition) and I labored naturally with Karleigh. She was born 30 minutes after the epidural was put in. So I figured I've done both, I might as well do them together. BUT, if Pitocin was going to come to the party, the epidural was back on the table as a possibility. I didn't plan on utilizing it, I was going to muscle through, but I told Matt, my mom and my doula that if I said I wanted the epidural, I wanted them to do their best to encourage me through, but if I insisted not to try to talk me out of it. Back to the story!

12:30 pm
Labor is intense, and it has been beautiful so far. Insanely painful, but beautiful. Matt and I are in such unison and working as an amazing team. He is keeping my focus and helping me breath through every contraction. I've internalized this entire labor, repeating affirmations to myself during every contraction. I am strong. I am capable. I am bringing my baby closer to being in my arms. My body was built for this. I am strong. With every contraction I closed my eyes, connected with Jack and breathed through it. WAY different than my labor with Karleigh... I sounded like a dying gorilla with her! Then something changed, I wasn't sure if the Pitocin was increased again, but something changed. And I changed my mind. I wanted the epidural. Matt began encouraging me to breathe, change positions and work through it, but I started to cry and told him that I wanted to enjoy this. This was our last baby, I wanted to enjoy it. He said OK. Gracen was tinkering with a machine (I think), Matt was encouraging me and it occurred to me that no one was calling the anesthesiologist! I said, "Why is no one calling the anesthesiologist?" Gracen made the call, and within 2 minutes he was in my room. They sat me up and Gracen was explaining how this particular epidural worked. It was on a self administered system. I had never had one like this before. I was told that as soon as I pushed the button they would lay me down on my left side and it would take 5-10 minutes to take full effect on that side of my body, then I would push the button again and they would flip me to my right side. How ridiculous! I was thinking, "This is the dumbest system I've ever heard of!" Anyway, Gracen handed me the Jeopardy! buzzer and I pushed the button. I was halfway down on my left side, my head not even on the pillow yet, when I said, "I feel like I have to push!" Matt looked at me and said, "Seriously?" Yep. Ok, change of plans! I laid down on my back and Gracen checked me. Lo and behold, I was completely dilated and ready to push. Dr. Vandersloot was in the room a minute later and gloving up. I actually told him, "Hurry up!!!" He sat down and Jack was in my arms 5 minutes later. I will spare the details of his delivery, but I will say that I'm pretty sure I traumatized the poor woman in the room next to mine. Jack was much bigger than we had originally thought. And the epidural was not in my system. At all. I was pretty vocal (understatement of the year) during delivery. I'm not sure if they were joking or not, but the nurses told me that just a few minutes after Jack was born my neighbor asked for her epidural. This was her first baby. LOL!!

August 21, 2014 ~ 12:55 pm 

Jacob Wesley Endersby is in my arms!! Puffy, crying and perfect, my sweet boy had finally arrived 25 hours after my water had broken. He was 8.5 pounds and 20.75 inches long.  (A good pound and a half larger than what my doctor estimated!) What a day! We were both healthy, the kids were on their way with Matt's mom to meet their baby brother. Gracen the Amazing Nurse actually thanked us for letting her be part of our labor and birth. And as she gave me a hug she whispered, "The epidural didn't count! You did it natural!" LOL

Jack is now just over 2 months old, and he's not even 10 pounds yet. He's still tiny, but healthy. Karleigh was super slow to put on weight too, so we're not worried about it. He's a good nurser, is sleeping through the night and is rolling over from his tummy to his back. Yeah, he HATES tummy time! His smiles are so precious, and I'm so, so, SO excited because I finally got a blue eyed child! Michael and Karleigh both have their daddy's eyes, a gorgeous hazel, but Jack has vivid blue eyes. HOORAY!! Jack was a surprise for our family, now we can't imagine life without him. God is SO good. His blessings never cease. *happy sigh*


Friday, October 17, 2014

4 years?! Holy Moly!

Honestly, I had completely forgotten that I even had a blog until a trip down memory lane unearthed an old post. I read through the few entries that I had written and cried. They were from the time when my husband was pre-deployment and just after he had left. Whew! What an emotional roller coaster that time was! But beyond that, I was shocked that it was 4 years ago. 4 years! So many questions ran through my head with that realization, but the most prominent was: "Why haven't I blogged in 4 years?" I love to write, I always have. I had my first journal in second grade. It's a fun outlet for me. In fact, quite recently I was talking with a good friend about starting a blog. In going back through my old posts, she commented on every one and said that she would be a faithful reader. :) Well, I guess I don't have to start on after all, just pick up (and dust off) the one that I started forever ago. I do believe that I'll learn how to focus my posts from random blabber to fun, spunky and creative posts, it might take me a little while and some gentle guidance from seasoned bloggers. Who knows, maybe something I write will go viral someday. LOL (eyeroll) Oh, this world we live in. I think my first official "I'm back" blog will be Jack's birth story. What the heck, he's only 2 months old! Ha!


Monday, October 4, 2010

Its been awhile...

Well, it has been an interesting few weeks, I can say that... To be completely honest, I think I'm still in denial about what's been happening, like it hasn't sunk in yet. I haven't slept in bed yet; I've been sleeping on the couch. My joints are really starting to feel it too. I haven't cried since right after Matt's bus left. I would hate to be within 10 miles when that storm hits! A friend told me that once he leaves the country it will show itself.
Today wasn't a good day. I had a migraine most of the day and just wanted to lay down, which I couldn't do, which in turn made me really snappy with my poor kiddos. I thought I might cry today, but it didn't happen. I think I'm just too tired, if that makes sense. I just couldn't get motivated to do anything. My house is a disaster, the kids need laundry done, I don't think I have a clean spoon in the kitchen, and with the way I barked at my poor kids all day I'm out of the running for Mother Of The Year.

On the positive side, I'm back in the gym! I went 5 days last week, and the only reason I didn't go on Saturday was because I forgot to make an appointment for the kids in the Daycare Center, and I learned when I called to make an appointment for around 5 that evening they told me that they no longer have Daycare available on Saturday evenings. Mental Note: If I'm going to go to the gym on Saturday I have to be there by 10am or find an outside sitter!

Another great thing, I'm exploring the idea of flying to Louisiana to meet Matt for his last 4 day pass! He would meet me in New Orleans, which is about 100 miles from Camp Shelby. He would probably rent a car there in Hattiesburg so we could get around in New Orleans, not to mention actually get him there to pick me up at the airport! (Side note: Why do people use the phrase "not to mention"? You always "mention" when you say that!) Anyway, I tried to find a flight into Mississippi, but it really jacked the rates up. I would already have to change planes in Denver. The awesome part is that we can totally pull it off! God has blessed us with an income to be able to do this for ourselves. It would only be me going, I think it would be too hard for the kids, especially Michael, to say goodbye to Daddy again. Plus, to be blatantly and a little cruelly honest, I really want to be selfish with this time with Matt. Is that wrong?

Michael's been having a hard time since Matt left. He's been waking up in the middle of the night and coming to sleep with me. I've been really bad about not putting him back in bed... I try to put him back, but by the third time he comes out of his room I'm just too tired to get up again. And tonight he wet the bed. I've been really lucky in that he's never wet the bed since getting rid of the pull-ups at night. He went right back to sleep once I changed the sheets on his bed though. Thank goodness I was still awake, it would have really sucked to have to change his bed half asleep.

I've had a lot of great support in these last few months, so I want to thank every one who's been there for us. Both sides of our family for letting us visit, Julie and Kerry for the fun dates that we've gone on (and your husbands who braved watching all of our kids), Kerry and Heather for babysitting for me, especially when its been at the last minute. And I can't even begin to express how much your prayers have meant to us. Its the most powerful tool we have, and we've really felt it; so thank you.

Ok, I think I'm tapped for topics, so I'm going to wrap up this blog. Thanks for letting me ramble!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

He's gone...

Matt left yesterday.  There was a deployment ceremony in La Grande... it was just the Dog & Pony Show, really. The Governor was there to stroke his own ego and reputation, they introduced the wives of the commanders, letters were read by the assistants of senators who didn't feel like coming, and all the while I was thinking, "I could be spending time with my husband right now!" After the ceremony, they dismissed the companies to spend time with their family members, except Alpha company... Matt's company.  This was the group of men who Governor Ted decided to shake hands with EVERY SOLDIER and say something personal! It was at least 20 minutes after the other soldiers had been dismissed that we finally got Matt.

But when we finally did get him, it was so awesome! There were 22 people there just to support Matt, so thank you to everyone who came out.

Matt and I got some time for just the two of us in the midst of all the craziness. We watched the kids run around and play, talked about what we're going to do when he gets home... he wants to take the family to Disneyland! I said that sounds a plan to me!

When it was time to say goodbye, the whole family walked over to Matt's bus together. I don't think I've ever walked so slow in my life! Everyone got to hug Matt and tell them that they love him. We tried to make it as fast and as painless as possible, as impossible as it was.  It was a nice theory! Matt cried when he held Karleigh. Michael gave Daddy a great big smasher hug. Then it was my turn. We had already said everything that could be said, so we just held eachother. I tried to take in what he felt like, what he smelled like, memorize his kiss.

We watched him walk away, and he turned around to wave at the door of the bus. The windows were shaded so we couldn't see inside. We stood there until they drove away. They had a police escort out of town... the busses just kept coming, there had to have been close to 15. When the last bus disappeared we all just looked at eachother.  There was nothing to say. I went into complete denial and started to organize where we were going to lunch before we left town! We went to eat as a family and talked about Matt and told the stories about him as a child that we've all heard a million times, but they still make us laugh and smile. We parted ways after that. I drove back to Pilot Rock with my mom and Karleigh, and Michael drove with my dad.

Last night was just kind of numb. I did laundry and dishes, made dinner for the kids, pretty much anything to keep from sitting, because sitting would mean thinking, and thinking would mean crying.

So, now its around 2:30 on Wednesday, I have to go pick up Michael from school in a few minutes. My parents left around 1, Karleigh is sleeping, and the house has been quiet. I still haven't had a good cry. It will happen, I'm just not sure when.

Keep Matt in your prayers, he will being going through a lot in the next few months. Thank you everyone for your love and support. We appreciate it!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hooter Memoirs

     So this is a picture of the bra that I got! I'm just too excited not to share, and Heaven knows that no ones going to see me wearing it, and I figure this gal already has 'em out and on display, so what the heck.
Its not in the color I got, they didn't have this one available in my size.  In fact, when I got my shipping confirmation it said that only one bra shipped and the other one got cancelled! Well I got right on the phone to Nordstrom and found out what happened; I literally got the LAST bra in this style in my size! There was only one left! So the lady that I was talking to offered to waive the shipping if I wanted to choose another bra instead!  It was actually really fun! I logged on to the website and looked at the other bras while we talked!  We talked about kids and husbands, treating ourselves once in a while (wink!) and then she placed my order for the new bra that I picked out.  Its more along the lines of a "T-shirt Bra".  I didn't know what that meant before; its really simple but pretty, and they had it in a "Sand" color.  I suppose I need something that's more of a nude color anyway!  It should be here a few days after my first one gets here.  I'm so excited!
     Its been fun reading your comments on my last blog.  I love what Nicole says about being happy to get things for her husband and kids, I get a lot of pleasure from getting them things too... it makes me happy.  Carie, you were so on the money (ha!) about how differently moms seem to spend "extra" money than our husbands do. Julie hit it on the nose when she said the word guilt... why do we do that? God made us very strange indeed! No wait, fearfully and wonderfully made... that's what I meant! Sarah, I'm glad you got over laying down for the cause... I wish you were still here so I could meet up with you at Walmart for "therapy"! :-)
I love you my ladies!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

For Ladies' Eyes Only! *wink*

I have a minor issue with spending money on myself.  I have a hard time justifying getting stuff for myself when the kids or the house or Matt needs something.  Maybe its just in those worn out, holes-in-the-knees mommy genes (ha!), but there's always someone who should get before Mom.

But ladies, I bought myself 2 new bras!!!  The last time I bought a new bra Michael was 6 months old!  One of the main reasons is because the bras were $68 each and I had to get 2.  I'm a 34G (yep!), so one of the only places I've been able to find my size in a decent design is at Norstrom.  I've been to specialty stores where the bras are just as expensive but are UGLY!!!

I can't find anyplace in Pendleton that carries my size.  I've been looking for a few months because the under wire in one of my two bras BROKE! It totally snapped! So I've been down to one bra for awhile, and while I was in Portland last weekend my other bra broke! The under wire on the same side as my other bra broke. So what did I do? I dissected my bras! I took the whole under wire out of the first bra and put it in the droopy side of the second one. Yep, I now have a Frankenstein Bra!

But this morning as I was putting on my bra, I saw the stitching on the inside of the cup and do you know what I thought? "Why shouldn't I get a new bra? Its been 4 years since I bought a new one, we're in a place where we can afford it... why shouldn't I get a new bra?

I got online to Nordstrom's website and found the bra that I bought last time. To my delight they had added a new color (they only had beige and black 4 years ago!), a beautiful Merlot! Not so much to my delight they had added $10 to the original price... But I decided that I deserve a treat.  So I bought 2! They're going to be here in a few days! I'm so excited!!

So, thanks for letting me babble about my new bras ladies! If any gentlemen happened to stumble past my titled warning, I apologize. :-)

Michael's First Day of School

Well, Michael's first day of school was great! Dropping him off was really hard, but Mrs. Harp said that he did great!

When I went to pick him up I pulled in and parked next to the other moms.  I was there about 5 minutes early, so I waited in the car until I saw all of the kids lining up next to the door. Mrs. Harp opened the door and all of the kids came running out of the classroom. Michael took a few steps out then stopped to look for me.  I called to him, he saw me and he just ran! "MOMMY!"

I stooped down and asked him, "Did you have fun?" He goes, "Mommy we sang a song, and colored a page, and I got a sticker, and I made a neck-a-wace out of fwoot woops, and I played with a kid..."

I don't think he took a breath during the whole thing! It was so cute. He asked if he could call Daddy to tell him about his day.

So here we are, Day 2. Oh how quickly things change!

I can't wait to drop Michael off at school! I'm so excited to put Karleigh down for her nap and then clean my house! 2 whole, uninterrupted hours all to myself, and I want to clean! Crazy!

So here I go.... My goal for the afternoon: Pick up, dust and vacuum the living room, dining room and kitchen before I have to pick up Michael at 3. Hopefully I will be able to find my keys (I've been using Matt's keys for the last 3 days!) so I can go get the mail!

Tally Ho!!!!